WELCOME to "El Carmen´s Orchard", the English blog from "Our Lady of El Carmen" School in LUCENA (Córdoba)- BIENVENID@S a "La Huerta del Carmen", el blog de Inglés del Colegio "Ntra. Sra. del Carmen" de LUCENA (Córdoba)

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012


Celtic Woman is an Irish music delicious group composed nowadays by four beautiful women and better singers and musiciens. They sing songs like this carol:  Celtic Woman es un delicioso grupo de música irlandesa compuesto en la actualidad por cuatro hermosas mujeres y mejores cantantes y músicas. Cantan canciones como éste villancico.

This is their official web. Ésta es su página oficial:

Carol of The Bells - Celtic Woman

Hark how the bells
Sweet silver bells
All seem to say
Throw cares away

Christmas is here
Bringing good cheer
To young and old 
Meek and the bold 

Ding dong ding 
That is their song 
With joyful ring 
All caroling 

One seems to hear 
Words of good cheer 
From everywhere 
Filling the air 

Oh how they pound 
Raising the sound 
O'er hill and dale 
Telling their tale 

Gaily they ring 
While people sing 
Songs of good cheer 
Christmas is here 
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas 
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas 

On on they send 
On without end 
Their joyful tone to every home 
Dong ding dong ding