WELCOME to "El Carmen´s Orchard", the English blog from "Our Lady of El Carmen" School in LUCENA (Córdoba)- BIENVENID@S a "La Huerta del Carmen", el blog de Inglés del Colegio "Ntra. Sra. del Carmen" de LUCENA (Córdoba)

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013


A colection of videos from the canal of AMES836 on Youtube, useful and atractive to review the contents from 3rd and 4th levels and even upper levels... Review, learn more and have fun with them...
Una colección de vídeos del canal de AMES836 en Youtube, útiles y atractivos para repasar los contenidos de 3º y 4º cursos e incluso niveles superiores... Repasa, aprende más y diviértete con ellos...

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013


In the Catholic world, May is traditioanlly Mother Mary's month; and in Lucena, the first Sunday of May, we celebrate de day of Our Mother the Virgin of Araceli. En el mundo católico, mayo es tradicionalmente el mes de María; y en Lucena, el primer domingo de mayo, celebramos el día de Nuestra Madre, la Virgen de Araceli.
The anglican and protestant world doesn't give the same role to Mother Mary, but there have been sometimes some happy references to Her, as this from the song "LET IT BE" from "THE BEATLES". 
El mundo anglicano y protestante no concede el mismo papel a la Virgen María, pero han existido a veces felices referencias a Ella, como ésta de la canción "LET IT BE" de "LOS BEATLES".
Here you've got the song in a bilingual video, then the lyrics in English and finally two more versions, one from "Justin Bieber" and another from the group "Fith Harmony".  ¿Why don't you learn it?
Aquí tienes la canción en un vídeo bilingüe, después la letra en inglés y finalmente dos versiones más, una de "Justin Bieber" y otra del grupo "Fith Harmony" (Quinta Armonía).  ¿Porqué no la aprendes?


When i find myself in times of trouble, 
mother mary comes to me 
speaking words of wisdom, let it be 
and in my hour of darkness 
she is standing right in front of me 
speaking words of wisdom, let it be 
let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be 
whisper words of wisdom, let it be 

And when the broken hearted people 
living in the world agree 
there will be an answer, let it be 
for though they may be parted, 
there is still a chance that they will see 
there will be an answer, let it be 
let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be 
there will be an answer, let it be 
let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be 
whisper words of wisdom, let it be 
let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be 
whisper words of wisdom, let it be 

And when the night is cloudy there is still a light 
that shines on me 
shine until tomorrow, let it be 
i wake up to the sound of music, 
mother mary comforts me 
speaking words of wisdom, let it be 
let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be 
there will be an answer, let it be 
let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be 
whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Justin Bieber version - Versión de Justin Bieber

Fith Harmony version - Versión de Fith Harmony